Xens Drutis

Xens Drutis
AffiliationClan Ice Hellion

MechWarrior Xens Drutis was a founding member of Clan Ice Hellion and the Drutis Bloodname.[1]


Science Liaison[edit]

While on Strana Mechty, between the Second Exodus and Operation KLONDIKE, MechWarrior Drutis acted as the Science Liaison to Nicholas Kerensky's Grand Council. On 8 August 2811, this included reporting that the Council of Scientists did not believe cloning would be the solution to population growth targets sought by the Grand Council, preferring instead DNA screening and aptitude tests to select pairings to produce offspring.[2]

On 17 July 2818, he later reported to ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky that the Council of Scientists had achieved success with their Project APOLLO GREEN, being animal testing on the progenitor technology to the Clans' Iron Wombs.[3][4]

Operation KLONDIKE[edit]

Drutis later participated in Operation KLONDIKE, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky's campaign to reconquer the Pentagon Worlds.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 36
  2. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 29
  3. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 32
  4. Land of Dreams, ch. 11
