Wahab Fusilli

Wahab Fusilli
Wahab Fusilli
Also known as"Shakir Jerrar"[1]
Born29 June 3094[2]
AffiliationDraconis Combine
VTOL pilot
Intelligence Agent

Sho-sa Wahab Fusilli was a Draconis Combine intelligence officer, MechWarrior and VTOL pilot during the Dark Age Era.[4]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Fusilli had keen blue eyes[5], swarthy skin[6], a slender build and long raven-dark hair.[7][2] He was also known to smoke cigarettes[8] and wear a tiny diamond stud in his left earlobe.[7]


Early Life[edit]

Fusilli came from an Arkab background, and appeared to be skilled at many of the covert arts of the Azami Brotherhood, though he was considered to lack a focused Ki.[2]

Dragon's Fury[edit]

As of 3135 Fusilli was a member of Katana Tormark's Dragon's Fury.[3] At this time he was acting as Tormark's intelligence officer, on secondment from the Order of the Five Pillars. In this role he acted as an advisor to Tormark, often challenging her decisions, even in front of others.

Fusilli was however actually a double agent of the Internal Security Force, acting under the direction of Ramadeep Bhatia, and accordingly actually sought to assist Combine enemies of Tormark.[9] This included Benjamin Military District Tai-shu Mitsura Sakamoto, who had commenced raids into Prefecture I of the Republic of the Sphere, and unsuccessfully sought to eliminate Tormark as an obstacle to his own ambitions to restore Combine control over Republic worlds.[10] Fusilli's treachery against the Dragon's Fury during these events included allowing Fury officer Liz Magruder and all his other Fury comrades to die at Sakamoto's hands on Al Na'ir.[11]

Dieron Military District[edit]

Despite suspicions being raised about his activities, his secret remained safe following the death of Sakamoto and Tormark rising to be appointed as head of the Dieron Military District, allowing him to continue to act as Tormark's intelligence officer into 3136.[12]


Later in 3136, while Fusilli incorrectly believed Tormark had died, he was captured by rebels on Biham. Unsure of his loyalties to his various masters, he took on the name of his great-grandfather Shakir Jerrar as an alias, and attempted to convince them he shared their anti-Kurita views.[1] To do this he was forced to kill Nancy Compton , a former colleague and nurse whom he had served with on Proserpina that had been captured, by strangling her with his bare hands.[13]

During his time with the rebels he fell in love with one, Dasha Miyagi. However he was ultimately forced to kill her as well, to prevent her detonating a nuclear device as a terrorist weapon[14], and subsequently returned to again serve with Katana Tormark.[15]

Later Career[edit]

Following the assassinated by a bomb of Coordinator Vincent Kurita in March 3037, at which Fusilli was present[15], he began to refocus on honing his skills and improving his Ki. At this time he transitioned from flying VTOLs to being a MechWarrior, and while he remained an aggressive fighter, his actions were increasing tempered by considerations of the greater good. Despite this he remained under careful surveillance by the Order of the Five Pillars, due to continued suspicions regarding his loyalty.[2]

BattleMech and Vehicles[edit]

Fusilli piloted a Balac Strike VTOL[3][2], until at least June 3136.[7] His Balac, Serial Number SF1070-00A, was originally from Clan Sea Fox and had been sold to the Republic and put into service with the Ozawa militia shortly before the Blackout. It came into Fusilli's hands after Katana Tormark declared for House Kurita and assigned it to the Order of the Five Pillars.[2]

Later attempts to focus his ki and improve his skill lead him to pilot an RK-S-L Rokurokubi BattleMech, nicknamed "Okami" (Wolf).[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dragon Rising, ch. 19
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 137
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Daughter of the Dragon, ch. 11
  4. 4.0 4.1 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 294
  5. Daughter of the Dragon, ch. 12
  6. Daughter of the Dragon, ch. 29
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Dragon Rising, ch. 11
  8. Daughter of the Dragon, ch. 17
  9. Daughter of the Dragon, ch. 21
  10. Daughter of the Dragon, Epilogue
  11. Dragon Rising, ch. 29
  12. Heretic's Faith, ch. 1
  13. Dragon Rising, ch. 26
  14. Dragon Rising, ch. 58
  15. 15.0 15.1 Dragon Rising, ch. 67
