Vernon Kell

Vernon Kell
Also known as"Prince of Pain"
ProfessionArena Gladiator

Vernon Kell was a light 'Mech pilot of the Solaris Games.[1]

History & Tactics[edit]

Vernon Kell has only once in his eight years on Solaris been able to break into the top twenty in the Class Two arenas, and twice more into the top fifty, but that never hurt his popularity.

He is a boastful and tantrum-prone MechWarrior, who uses his name to promote himself despite his dubious relation to Grand Duke Morgan Kell and his kin. He is a colorful "bad boy" who everyone loves to hate.[1]


He piloted an MTS-S Mantis.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout 3055 Upgrade, p.134 "MTS-S MANTIS"
