Vaughn McDade

Vaughn McDade
Vaughn McDade
AffiliationCapellan Confederation

Vaughn McDade was a MechWarrior from the Third Confederation Reserve Cavalry.[1]


Vaughn McDade was born in Sian in a poor family.

He lacked the athletic or academic achievements to warrant a scholarship and he enlisted in the CCAF as much as an effort to improve his station in life as to fulfill his mandatory legal service requirements.

But once in the military he found a climate where his natural curiosity and observational skills would serve him well. He was quickly identified for scout training, and proved to be a natural in the role, preferring to operate independently and finding the challenge of gathering battlefield intelligence an exhilarating experience.

His regimental commander saw his natural athletic ability and coordination and his skills as scout and pushed to have him trained as a MechWarrior and expecting to get an excellent reconnaissance pilot. Though he was initially reluctant found the role to his liking.

After completing his training, he was assigned to the Third Confederation Reserve Cavalry's recon lances. When Arthur Chin raised his lance, Youling Zhanshi, he was select for a post there, being the only pilot in the lance not a new member of the Third.[1]

When in 3068 the Third Confederation Reserve Cavalry came under fire and were still very much in the process or replacement and reorganization even once they reached their posting on Homestead, they faced a massive incursion of Federated Suns forces, the commanders of the Third CRC found their communications network disrupted, and in many cases neutralized. In the first hours of the attack, the Third CRC made a decision to abort its structure and splinter down to individual lance-sized elements. Of all these roaming lances, Youling Zhanshi, Chin's Lance, served with the most prominence. He was instrumental in developing the strategy used by the Third Confederation Reserve Cavalry and showed remarkable intuition in finding the best times and places to strike at invading forces. Time and again the unit struck at occupying forces.[2]

His unit was contacted by Death Commando Jason Zaklan, also present on planet and Chin's lance supported Zaklan in his operations.[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi, p. 6 "Vaughn McDade"
  2. BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi, p. 1 "Youling Zhanshi"
  3. BattleTech Dossiers: Jason Zaklan, p. 1 "AGENT DCGF-037-1127-4MX"
