Valerie Sunrider

Valerie Sunrider
Also known as"Valkyrie"
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
ProfessionConventional Aircraft Pilot

Leutnant Valerie "Valkyrie" Sunrider was a Conventional Aircraft Pilot in the Baxter air guard as of 3034.[1]


Sunrider and her squadron assisted in the defense of Baxter against a Draconis Combine raid in 3034, and due to the Combine force lacking suitable air cover, Sunrider was personally able to cripple two Combine BattleMechs and destroy two combat vehicles.

While her fighter was ultimately shot down by a Combine Panther, she safely ejected and received a commendation from the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, before returning to duty with a replacement aircraft.[1]


Sunrider was known to pilot an unmodified, Lyran made Meteor heavy strike fighter, which was painted in dove-white and House Steiner-blue. While she had one Meteor shot out from under her on Baxter in 3034, she did receive a replacement Meteor after this battle.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: 3039, Page 182
