Trenton Marik

Trenton Marik
Trenton Marik
Also known asTrenton Johns[1]
AffiliationHouse Marik-Stewart
ParentsPhilippa Marik (mother)[2]
SiblingsSimon Marik[2]
Augustine Marik[2]

Trenton Augustus Albert Marik was an officer of the Free Worlds League Military.


Early Years[edit]

Since he was a young boy, he shielded his two siblings, Simon and Augustine, from schoolyard bullies, often getting into fistfights to protect friends and family. This trend continued into finishing school, using his charm to disarm would-be bullies when he could, and when not, his quick reflexes. His penchant for standing up for the defenseless led him to pursue a interest in a legal career, before enrolling into military training, forced by his family.[2]


His uncle Anson Marik, Captain-General of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, advised him to avoid matriculating into the Allison MechWarrior Institute on New Olympia, for his fear of the approaching Clan Wolf and Lyran Commonwealth forces, but he did it anyway. When he received special treatment after asking his instructors not to, his surname was changed to Johns, becoming Trenton Johns for the Academy's personnel.[2]

Active Service[edit]

Less than a year from graduating, New Olympia was attacked by the Wolves and Lyrans. Alongside AMI instructors, Trenton assumed temporary command of the defense, covering the student's retreat, downing several Wolf aerofighters, refusing the instructors' orders to retreat until his Rifleman's' ammo bins were dry, evacuating on the last DropShip departing the planet.

After the Free Worlds League reunification, he received special permission by Jessica Marik to finish his training at the Princefield Military Academy, where he struck a lasting friendship with Count Gavin Stewart and his sister Adamina Stewart. After graduation, Trenton requested a billet in the Free Worlds League Military. For his bravery on New Olympia and his Marik blood, he received a captain's billet on the First Free Worlds Guards, serving alongside soldiers he had been growing up with.[2]


Trenton was gifted a RFL-7N2 Rifleman by his uncle Anson Marik. She stored the 'Mech, which he named Habeas Corpus, instead using a training Rifleman until Clan Wolf attacked New Olympia, when he switched to the present, using it to cover the planetary's retreat. He modified it, swhitching the lasers for additional armor and a larger autocannon magazine, painting it in Marik purple in memory of the Marik-Stewart Commonality.[1][4]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 8, p. 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 BattleTech: Legends, p. 166
  3. Empire Alone, p. 98
  4. BattleTech: Legends, p. 167
