Tracy Rhys

Tracy Rhys
AffiliationFree Worlds League
Republic of the Sphere

Tracy Rhys was a member of the armed forces of both the Free Worlds League and later the Republic of the Sphere.[1]


Tracy Rhys served as a sergeant in the Free Worlds League Military prior to the Jihad. Rhys was recognized as a hero for her role in the assault on the Word of Blake Space Defense System complex at Rio during the liberation of Terra.[1]

Rhys' reputation grew further when, now serving as a Major in the coalition forces, Rhys led two battalions of battle armor troops in a six-hour battle to capture the Lowyfur, the last active Wyrm-class submersible SDS platform on Terra. Rhys' and her troops were deployed onto the Lowyfur by rapid drop from Aurora-class DropShips after a team of Gurkha commandos executed a daring HALO drop onto the Lowyfur when it surfaced amidst a storm in the North Sea to exchange air. The surviving Gurkhas stormed the bridge of the Lowyfur, delaying it from submerging long enough for Rhys and her troopers to deploy. The Lowyfur was cleared one deck at a time in a fierce close-quarter battle, with Rhys' finally declaring the Lowyfur cleared and captured 3,000 meters below the surface of the North Sea on 12 February 3080.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 36: "Terran Security Assured"
