The Battle For Algol

The Battle For Algol
Product information
Type Scenario Pack
Pages 4
Publication information
Publisher WizKids
First published February 2004
Era Dark Age era
Series MWDA Scenarios
Preceded by The Battle for Ningpo
Followed by The Bitter Truth

The Battle For Algol is an official scenario pack for the MechWarrior: Dark Age (MWDA) Clix game, containing two scenarios. It was first published through the now defunct website that WizKids maintained in support of their MechWarrior: Dark Age game line, to support organized play and tournaments.


Scenario 1 - Smorgasbord[edit]

In an effort to further destabilize the region and throw the fear of Liao into all of Prefecture V, Liao sends a small tactical force to the world of Algol. Because the world’s massive food production services numerous worlds in the vicinity, disrupting the regularly scheduled food exports will cause havoc and weaken Republic control. As the forces first drop near the Algol DropPort, they quickly realize the key to gaining control of the critical spaceport is to capture its control tower.

Scenario 2 - Repeating History[edit]

Following the battle for the DropPort, the retreating forces make their way to the old AFFS Munitions Depot, which was destroyed during the Word of Blake Jihad. Among the burned-out husks of warehouses and scorched earth, battle once again is waged.

Featured characters[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]




Featured planets[edit]
