Tharkad Nichtlager

Tharkad Nichtlager, or Tharkad Nacht Lager, is a beer available in the Lyran Commonwealth.[1][2][3]


During the Fourth Succession War rationing and shipping restrictions caused by the war effort would prevent the import of such Lyran beers as Tharkad Nichtlager and Timbiqui Dark to the Federated Suns capital of New Avalon.[1] It remained available following the Clan Invasion, being a preferred beer of Lyran MechWarrior's such as Ben Haueisen, who had it specially shipped to his posting on Saiph prior to the FedCom Civil War.[2][3]


  • The name appears to be a typo for "Nachtlager", whereby Nacht means "night" and lager presumably denotes a type of beer in english (the word is not commonly used for a brew in German, and otherwise also means "storage", "camp" or "bivouak"). By contrast, Nichtlager literally translates as "Not-Lager", in the sense of a negation.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Warrior: Coupé, "Chapter Twenty-Three"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 15, p. 8
  3. 3.0 3.1 Recognition Guide, Vol. 1: Classics, p. 74
