Tamra Vickers

Tamra Vickers
Tamra Vickers
AffiliationHouse Vickers;
Clan Widowmaker;
Clan Wolf
RankStar Colonel

Star Colonel Tamra Vickers was a founding member of Clan Widowmaker and the Vickers Bloodname.[1]


Early Life[edit]

Vickers was born on Trell I in the Lyran Commonwealth's Trellshire Province in 2760, to a wealthy family, which had business interests in Vickers Mining. She escaped violence of the Amaris Civil War initially, but in 2771 a pirate raid thought to be backed on the Draconis Combine hit Trell I, including the offices and storehouses of her family's mining business.

Following on from this experience, she joined Trell I's militia once she came of age, and then the 194th Mechanized Infantry Division of the Star League Defense Force once her martial skills had been noticed.[2]

Pentagon Civil War[edit]

As a member of the SLDF she joined Operation EXODUS and reached the Pentagon Worlds. During the Exodus Civil War, she was an SLDF Colonel, but suffered a massive head injury when hit by an artillery shell which landed on her command post on Babylon.

She recovered from her injuries, but developed severe mood swings, to the point some subordinates claimed she had been split into two personalities.[2]

Immediately prior to the Second Exodus in September 2801, Vickers had risen to the rank of Lieutenant General and was acting as Executive Officer for then Major General Nicholas Kerensky and his 146th Royal BattleMech Division, in which role she supported Nicholas's claim to lead the Star League-in-Exile following his father's death.[3]

Operation KLONDIKE[edit]

Vickers participated in Operation KLONDIKE with Clan Widowmaker, as part of the campaign to liberate Babylon. During the fighting her attitude to civilians varied wildly, offering humanitarian aid for some groups, but then the execution of others. She did however become crueler following the attempted assassination of Widowmaker saKhan Mariel Sanders.[2]

Widowmaker Absorption[edit]

During the Widowmaker Absorption in 2834, Vickers led the 194th Crusader Cluster, which followed her orders to the letter out of fear of Vickers and her tendency to irrational violence.[4] She led much of the fighting against Clan Wolf[2] on Ironhold during the Absorption, holding them off long enough to get warning messages off to the Widowmaker capital on Roche.[5]

Vickers was the only survivor of her Cluster following the fighting near Ironhold City on 9 October 2834, and following a Trial of Abjuration which cleared her of complicity in Khan Cal Jorgensson’s crimes,[6] became an abtakha with the Wolves.[2]


Vickers did not last long with Clan Wolf, however, dying in 2835 during a Trial of Grievance.[2]


  1. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 37
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 11
  3. Fall from Glory, ch. 28
  4. Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 14
  5. Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 9
  6. Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 23
