Skullcap Garrett

Skullcap Garrett
Born14 April 3098[1]

Leftenant Skullcap Garrett was a MechWarrior, who served within the Swordsworn's Prince's Men, during the Dark Age Era.[1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Garrett was a relatively small man, with a bald head covered by a large scar across his crown, and green eyes.[1][2]


Early Life[edit]

Born on Caph, to scientist parents who were studying the native dinosaur like wildlife, Garrett found his life growing up so boring he escaped off-world in his mid-teens. Once independent, he lived on luck and winged it through life, often achieving better results than many who had a more methodical approach. This was symbolized by a leather pouch he always kept around his neck, which contained a pair of lucky dice.[2] Operating within the criminal underworld, and changing names so often his given first name was not known even to intelligence agencies, Garrett did however accumulate underworld enemies, including one who gave him his prominent cranial scar (and the nickname Skullcap which came with it).

Prince's Men[edit]

Joining the Prince's Men soon after their formation, either for the thrill or to seek protection from his criminal past, it was unknown where he acquired his impressive skills as a MechWarrior.[1] With the Swordsworn however, he lost a number of light scout 'Mechs, including to an ambush by a JES II Strategic Missile Carrier in an unspecified battle.[3] In another engagement his 'Mech and the light combat vehicles under his command were destroyed by an enemy Legionnaire, leaving Garrett to do further recon on foot after ejecting.[4] After one such ejection, Garrett was forced to slog all night through leech-infested swamps, in order to reconnect with his unit's Quaestor Mobile Tactical Command HQ which was commanded by a Major Carlson.[5]

Battle of Achernar[edit]

In February 3133, Garrett participated in the Battle of Achernar, fighting against the invading Steel Wolves under the command of Yulri Wolf. Under orders from Erik Sandoval-Groell, Garrett commanded a small Swordsworn force which had been left on Achernar to help local Republic Armed Forces militia to defend the world if the need arose, giving him a leading role in the campaign against the Wolves.

Camped on the Highlake Basin on the Eridanus continent when the Wolves arrived, Garrett's garrison was attacked directly by Yulri's forces, with their initial landing being right by the Swordsworn's bivouac. While he was able to put up a determined fight, the Wolf's ferocity was ultimately too much, forcing Garrett to retreat further into the Highlake Basin.[2] Chased as he fell back by the determined Wolves, Garrett had to deal with accusations of cowardice from his troops, as he tried to keep his unit intact long enough to be relieved by reinforcements from the Republic Militia.[6]

Failing to link up with supporting Republic as he retreated, and losing a Sniper Artillery tank to the Wolves, Yulri Wolf turned the Artillery against Garrett by using it to soften up the Swordsworn as they attempted to repair their equipment between engagements. This however was still not enough to finally destroy the Swordsworm, and Garrett managed to again extract his shrinking unit from the the Wolves' teeth.[7] Despite this Garrett was however eventually cornered amongst the holiday bungalows if Goldensands Cove on the edge of the Tolec Sea, giving him no choice but to entrench, and fight a final decisive defensive battle against the Wolves. Suffering heavy losses during the desperate last stand, Garrett's famous luck ultimately held, forcing the Wolves to abandon Achernar after their own losses became too grievous.[8]


Garrett was known to have piloted a Spider BattleMech, nicknamed "Dino Killer".[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 49
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Information Is Ammunition: The Battle for Achernar!, Scenario #1: Lady Luck
  3. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 11
  4. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 12
  5. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 15
  6. Information Is Ammunition: The Battle for Achernar!, Scenario #2: Predator and Prey
  7. Information Is Ammunition: The Battle for Achernar!, Scenario #3: Steel Rain
  8. Information Is Ammunition: The Battle for Achernar!, Scenario #4: Final Stand
