Sessu Katayama

Sessu Katayama
AffiliationClan Nova Cat

Sessu Katayama served as saKhan of Clan Nova Cat at the turn of the thirty-first century, when the Dragoon Compromise was proposed in 3000.[1]


When Khan Kerlin Ward of Clan Wolf advocated the dispatch of a scouting mission to the Inner Sphere to gather information on the Successor States, the leader of Clan Smoke Jaguar suspected Khan Kerlin's true motives. He enlisted the aid of Sessu Katayama, a comrade of long standing, and urged her to derail Kerlin Ward's schemes. Sessu, a highly placed member of the Clan Grand Council, pointed out that the use of trueborn warriors on such an expedition would cause it to fail. The inherent superiority of trueborns would make them stand out among the peoples of the Inner Sphere. Instead, she argued, the mission should employ freeborn who would blend in more effectively. While Sessu Katayama's suggestion was backed by several Clans, neither they nor she realized that it worked towards Kerlin Ward's own hidden agenda for the "Wolf Dragoons".[2]


The text of Mercenary's Handbook 3055 lists Leo Showers as Khan of Clan Smoke Jaguar at the time of the Dragoon Compromise, some four years before his birth. It also describes Sessu Katayama as being a "long-time battle comrade" of his, despite the bitter enmity that had existed between the Smoke Jaguars and the Nova Cats dating from the time of Sandra Rosse.


  1. Mercenary's Handbook 3055, p. 25: Details of the Great Debate
  2. Mercenary's Handbook 3055, p. 26: Sessu Katayama's contribution to the Dragoon Compromise
