Semi Kalasa

Semi Kalasa
AffiliationClan Diamond Shark

Semi Kalasa was a Bloodnamed warrior and Loremaster of Clan Diamond Shark as of 3050.[1]


Semi was born into an otherwise unremarkable sibko on the Clan Homeworlds planet of Priori and gained a reputation for solid performances in the years prior to Operation Revival. Semi was elected to the post of Loremaster just prior to the invasion and quickly set to work utilizing the Merchant Caste in order to gather military and economic intelligence on the Inner Sphere. These efforts were responsible for the Sharks gaining access to an unparalleled amount of information on both Clan and Spheroid operations.[1]

Semi possessed a distrust of the Inner Sphere that was only reinforced by her work as head of the Sharks' Clan Watch, although this did not interfere with her usual solid performances. Due to the almost-complete absence of the Clan Diamond Shark Touman following the defeat on Tukayyid in 3052, Semi began efforts to obtain information from second-hand sources, including the Watches of the other Invading Clans. During the expansion of Diamond Shark operations into the Inner Sphere – caused by the clan's exodus from the Homeworlds during the Wars of Reaving – Semi pushed to integrate more and more worlds into the Chatterweb. While this was ostensibly to increase the clan's mercantile fortunes, the reality was that the Chatterweb was used extensively for intelligence-gathering.[1]

Following the Jihad, Semi continued to hold the post of Loremaster and commanded the Diamond Sharks' Sigma Galaxy in a split posting to the Chainelane Isles and the CDS Kraken in 3085.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, pp. 150–151: "Semi Kalasa"
  2. Field Manual: 3085, p. 124: "Clan Military Forces"
