Roy Adams

Roy Adams
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth

Leutnant-General Roy Adams was the commander of the Fifth Lyran Regulars, with the Lyran Commonwealth, as of 3145.[1]


Appointed to lead the Fifth Lyran Regulars after 3143, when its former commander Hauptmann-General Stephen Harper was promoted for his heroism during the defense of Smolnik against Clan Wolf, Adams was placed in charge of its reconstitution. Subsequently posted to the Clan Jade Falcon border, on the worlds of Loxley and Ellengurg, until 3145 Adams had a full strength Regiment of twelve Companies. However in January 3145, Adams lost four Companies during the defense of Loxley from a Jade Falcon invasion, though the Fifth Lyran was able to eject the invaders. Due to the threat of further Jade Falcon action, Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces command consider the rebuilding of the Fifth Lyran from these losses a high priority.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 132
  2. Field Manual: 3145, p. 128
