Rodney Van Kleven

Rodney Van Kleven
AffiliationHouse Van Kleven

As of ca. 3025, Rodney Van Kleven, a MechWarrior with the Sixth Syrtis Fusiliers, was considered a notable Atlas pilot.[1]

He was described as extremely personable and well liked by all members of his unit down to the lowliest ship's cook, "an aristocrat with the instincts of a democrat".

His personal Atlas was named Boar's Head. Van Kleven was known for stomping all over the battlefield as if it were a scout and generating terror among enemy lines, but had a tendency to overheat his 'Mech in the process. As a result, he had repeatedly lost his titles to land grants that he had won previously after his 'Mech shut down on the battlefield.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Technical Readout: 3025, p. 122 (Atlas notable MechWarriors)
