Ramon Magdaleno

Ramon Magdaleno
Died21 May 3029
AffiliationWolf's Dragoons

Captain Ramon Magdaleno was a member of Beta Regiment of Wolf's Dragoons from before 3025 to 3029.[1]


Magdaleno was known, despite his achievements, for a humility rare amongst MechWarriors. Apart from a mean steak during card games, he was reputed to be a friendly and likable man, with a sincere concern for those under his command.[1]


From at least 3025, Magdaleno was serving as the commander of Magdaleno's Company of Baker Battalion, including during his spirited and widely praised defense of the Aghama 'Mechworks on Deshler as part of the Dragoons' attack on that Davion world during early 3025.[1] In this engagement, Magdaleno's light company initially struggled to hold a ridgeline, after being surrounded following an ambush. Magdaleno's own Phoenix Hawk took an SRM volley to his rear which badly damaged its power plant, as his company desperately held for three hours while awaiting reinforcement.

When they were finally rescued, Magdaleno's Company had been reduced to less than a third of its initial strength, with Magdaleno directing the battle by commlink after losing his 'Mech to an ammo explosion. He suffered a broken arm, cracked ribs, and severe burns in the ordeal, but was still in good enough spirits when help arrived to remark to Major Michael Hart "What the Hell took you so long? We had to drink all the beer."[2]


After the reorganization of the Dragoons following the Battle of Misery, Magdaleno's unit became the Second Provisional Company of Beta Regiment, with which he fought in the Battle of Wapakoneta.[1]

His exploits during this battle included, during an engagement on 21 May 3029 near the city of Hannibal, leading elements of the Third Proserpina Hussars into mining equipment tunnels that Dragoons' explosive experts had rigged. While the Dragoons 'Mechs attempted to peel off and circle back to the entrance slowly, the Hussars realized the trap before it was fully ready, forcing the Dragoons the collapse the tunnels while three Dragoons 'Mechs were still inside. Eleven 'Mechs of the Hussars were however also destroyed.[3]

Thus while Magdaleno was a master of getting his unit out of trouble in the nick of time, he was trapped on Wapakoneta, and his 'Mech was crushed when the tunnels came down. His dying stand however allowed some of his unit to escape this underground death.[1]


Years later the Dragoons would create the Magdaleno Honorname in the Captain's memory, producing Trueborn warriors using Ramon Magdaleno's genetic material, including Calvin Magdaleno.[4]


Magdaleno was known to pilot a Phoenix Hawk BattleMech.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Wolf's Dragoons, pp. 57, 60
  2. Wolf's Dragoons, p. 34
  3. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 9
  4. Starterbook: Wolf and Blake, p. 23
