Rüdiger Steiner

Rüdiger Steiner
AffiliationHouse Steiner
ParentsReinhardt Steiner (father)[1]
SiblingsClaudia Steiner[citation needed]

Hauptmann Rüdiger Steiner was the commanding officer of the Lyran Irregulars during the Word of Blake Jihad. The Irregulars, a private BattleMech battalion employed by his family, House Steiner of Furillo, rose to fame during the drama that erupted when pirates kidnapped Rüdiger's sister, Grand Duchess Claudia.[2] From the cockpit of his AS7-K2 Atlas, Rüdiger led the mission to recover his sister. While his critics claim his interference allowed the pirates to kidnap Claudia in the first place, Rüdiger's skill as a MechWarrior was undeniably key to her recovery, as he downed two Goliaths and a Marauder during the rescue.[1]

Decades later, Rüdiger's exploits would become a storyline for the trivid soap opera The Steinhearts. In December 3151, "Rundinger Steinheart" had just rescued his sister "Alexandria" from pirates. To add extra drama, upon her rescue, Alexandria revealed she was pregnant, leaving Rundiger to wonder if she had actually eloped.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: 3085, p. 109
  2. Field Report: LAAF, p. 18
  3. Mercenary Entertainment Network Digest: December 3151 in Shrapnel, Issue 12, p. 103
