Qudi Hutchinson

Qudi Hutchinson
AffiliationClan Burrock
RankStar Colonel

Star Colonel Qudi Hutchinson was a founding member of Clan Burrock and the Hutchinson Bloodname.[1]


Hutchinson participated in Operation Klondike, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky's campaign to reconquer the Pentagon Worlds.[1]

During the invasion of Dagda as part of Klondike, the Burrock Khans gave Hutchinson the temporary rank of Star Colonel and the Avatar-class heavy cruiser Constantineau, to assist her in the task of securing the Zenith jump point and its associated shipping. The Constantineau and the Burrock JumpShips jumped in, launching DropShips and using ECM against the enemy JumpShips. Three enclave JumpShips attempted to escape and had their engines destroyed. Of greater concern were three DropShips heading toward Dagda III carrying fuel and supplies to the McMillan Collective. Under Hutchinson's command the Constantineau jumped to a pirate point near the planet and intercepted the three vessels, seizing them without difficulty.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 34
  2. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 46
