Pris Daigoji

Pris Daigoji
AffiliationRedfield's Renegades

Pris Daigoji was a member of the Redfield's Renegades during the conflict on Epsilon Eridani in 3067.[1]


In 3067 two mercenary units, her Redfield's Renegades and the Lone Star Regiment, were battling on Epsilon Eridani when they made a significant discovery. The fighting near the Shamus Mountains unearthed an old Star League Defense Force depot hidden within the mountains. Still intact within the Depot was a battle-scarred Colossus-class DropShip. Both mercenary units immediately laid claim to the DropShip, and with neither willing to compromise a grueling combat was initiated that saw both units take heavy casualties. Ultimately, the Lone Star Regiment were the victors and recovered both the DropShip and the battlefield salvage as prizes.[2]


She piloted a SPR-5F Spector.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lawyers, Guns, & Money, p. 2 "Table of Organization & Equipment - Redfield's Renegades"
  2. Technical Readout: 3075, p. 198: "Colossus"
