Norah Jane Stokes

Norah Jane Stokes
AffiliationWolf's Dragoons

Lieutenant Norah Jane Stokes was a member of Wolf's Dragoons during the thirty-first century.[1]


Gamma Regiment[edit]

As of early 3028, Stokes was a member of the Command Lance, Wisey's Company, Baker Battalion of Gamma Regiment. Following the Battle of Misery Stokes' lance joined Gamma Regiment's First Provisional Company, as part of which she went on to fight in the Battle of Crossing, where she was injured.[2]

Black Widows[edit]

Stokes was later recruited into the Black Widow Battalion, where she was a member of Third Lance, Second Company (Tarantulas) as of 3031.[1] As part of the Black Widows she fought on Tsinghai, Wallacia, Kujari, and Gei-Fu, and was still a serving member when the unit was reorganized to follow a Clan-style organization.[3]


Norah Stokes was known to have piloted a Griffin BattleMech.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 More Tales of the Black Widow, p. 11: "Black Widow Battalion, 3031"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wolf's Dragoons, p. 64
  3. More Tales of the Black Widow, p. 22: "Training Battalion"
