Nikos Matapoulous

Nikos Matapoulous
ProfessionArena Gladiator

History & Tactics[edit]

Nikos Matapoulous was a Solaris VII MechWarrior. He was a known Medium Class fighter on the circuit in Solaris Games in 3067. A survivor of the arenas (and of the Word of Blake assault on Solaris), Matapoulous is a veteran of urban fighting, who has made an art of this way of fighting. Matapoulous was a highly regarded fighter in the arenas until one day a contract dispute led him to kill his stablemaster and flee the Game World for the distant Periphery.

Since leaving Solaris, Matapoulous has challenged his way across the Free Worlds League, using the confusion of the Lyran invasion to hide in plain sight. Many Lyran and League MechWarriors, incensed at recent reverses on the battlefield, have let the Solarian bait them into duels, which the ferocious Matapoulous usually wins.[1]


He was piloting a modified red and blue Dervish that might have started as a support ’Mech, but like many Solaris veteran machines, it had been modified for close-in combat, with lasers and PPCs replacing its standard missile racks. After leaving Solaris, Matapoulous had personalized his 'Mech even more, into the DV-8D2 Dervish "Lightbringer".[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Pirates, p.6 "DV-8D2 DERVISH "LIGHTBRINGER"
