New Neighbors

New Neighbors
Product information
Type Scenario Pack
Pages 1
Publication information
Publisher WizKids
First published March 2008
Era Dark Age era
Series MWDA Scenarios
Preceded by Posession is Nine-Tenths
Followed by To Take a Giant

New Neighbors is an official scenario pack for the MechWarrior: Dark Age (MWDA) Clix game, containing a single scenario. It was first published through the now defunct website that WizKids maintained in support of their MechWarrior: Dark Age game line, to support organized play and tournaments.


Clan Wolf’s path of destruction seems to be leading them directly towards Prefecture X and the prize of Terra. As they prepare to set up apparent bases on planet Lipton, Republic of the Sphere loyalists will need to do everything in their power to evict the would-be squatters. Are the Wolves actually looking to break the Iron Curtain, or is it just a rest stop on their way to a more sinister destination?

Featured planets[edit]
