Natalia Burns

Natalia Burns
AffiliationStone Fists Stables
ProfessionArena Gladiator


Natalia Burns was a fighter in Solaris VII for Stone Fists Stables during the Dark Age. She was the Team Captain.[1]

She participated in the 3086 Championship.[1]

She had a very good start on the 3086 season, and after Week five she was holding the lead of Class Four Division along David Sanada.[1]

She continued with a good season, but it was not good enough to keep her leading Class Four Division.

At the end of Week 12, Tracy Vanberchum, was leading the Class Four Division with David Santos two points behind, and with Natalia and Lee Lumley three points behind Tracy.[2]

After week sixteen and with just six weeks to go in the BBL, Tracy Vanberchum had a five-point lead over David Sanada, with David Santos in third. Natalia Burns had gone down but was still lurking in fourth.[3]

For her match in week seventeen he was paired against one of the leaders of the division, Calvin Frost, with the possibility grabbing third place if she won the match. From the start, Frost wanted a brawl, where his Hachiwara's vibroblade could carve Burns' Grasshopper apart. Burns led Frost on a merry chase through Deep, sniping with her Extended Range Large Laser. Despite Frost's edge in speed, Burns managed to stay away from Frost's vibroblade. Sixteen minutes in, Burns lured Frost into a supercharger-fueled charge, then jumped over him and hit him with a full alpha strike from behind. The strike sliced through Frost's 'Mech rear torso armor and shredded the gyro. Officials awarded Burns the match.[3]

After the match Tracy Vanberchum was still leading Class Four, but both Sanada and Burns were closing in.[3]

Two weeks to end the year, the Class Four Division standings was led by Tracy Vanberchum with 46 points, followed by David Sanada with 40 and Natalia Burns third with 36 points.




She piloted a Grasshopper.[3]


The author confirmed Natalia Burns belonged to this Stable in this BattleTech Forum

The author confirmed Class Four standings two weeks prior to the end of the season in the BattleTech Forum.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Season at Rankar's Deep, Week 6
  2. The Season at Rankar's Deep, Branson Brewery League Standings
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Season at Rankar's Deep, Week 17
