Nancy Carter

Nancy Carter
AffiliationHouse Carter
Position(s)Planetary Governor of Lyons

Governor Nancy Carter was the Planetary Governor of Lyons, for the Republic of the Sphere, from at least 3130 to 3136.[1][2][3]


In 3136, Governor Carter commissioned a mission under Dr. Elgin Sawyer to attempt to breach the Fortress Republic Wall in order to seek assistance for Lyons, which failed with the loss of the Monolith-class JumpShip Orphan's Hope and its Captain Derrick Carter.[4]


  1. Dark Age: Republic of the Sphere, p. 20
  2. Dark Age: Republic Worlds (3130), p. 220: "Lyons"
  3. Dark Age: 3136 LinkNet, p. 67, "Freedom for Lyons!"
  4. A Bonfire of Worlds, Prologue
