
Also known asSonja Amora
AffiliationWord of Blake
Manei Domini

Precentor Naamah was a Manei Domini officer and commander of the Forty-ninth Shadow Division in 3070.


As commander of the Forty-ninth Shadow Division, her unit first appeared in combat on Wallis in May 3071, disguised in Marik Commonwealth colors. They successfully set up the Commonwealth to take the blame for the destruction of the Second Regulan Hussars, leaving no survivors.[1] Sometime later, Naamah's Nightwalkers' true name was made known.[2]

The Division struck Regulus in June of 3072 when unit was identified for the first time. The Forty-ninth razed the capital city after clashing with the First Regulan Hussars. On Naamah's orders, they set fire to the city, as a personal retribution to Kirc Cameron-Jones, the Prince of Regulus. This event would later be described as the "Night of Fire."[3] The fires the Forty-ninth Division set ultimately altered the atmosphere of the planet.[4]

In 3070, she took the mantle of "Sonja Amora" and infiltrated the court of Regulus, becoming the lover of Kirc Cameron-Jones.[5] On 1 January 3071, she was "presented" to the society and a member of the Regulan Hussars said she was attending the morning tactical briefings of the Principality of Regulus.[6] As "Sonja Amora" she was voted Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman and become the face of Irian Cosmetics.[5]

Operation VIJAY was a military operation conducted from 28 June through 2 August 3073.[7] It was executed solely by the Principality of Regulus against the Word of Blake held world of Gibson. The campaign ended in failure as Regulan forces were unprepared for the firepower of the Blakists. The operation was conceived by Regulan Prince Kirc Cameron-Jones, after his betrayal by his mistress Sonja Amora (Precentor Naamah in disguise), who turned out to be a Blakist Manei Domini spy named Naamah.[8] Wanting to take revenge for the destruction for his capital city and fueled by his growing paranoia of everyone, he turned to his estranged son. Kirc had his son Titus Cameron-Jones plan and organize a military task force to strike at Gibson and destroy its BattleMech manufacturing facilities, the Gibson Federated BattleMechs.

After returning to Gibson, Naamah stood down as the Forty-ninth's CO and named her executive officer, Dantalion, as new the division's new commander.[9]

In 3076, word of the destruction of the Venturer prototype WarShip had reached Apollyon. Once it was clear Regulan forces were involved with its destruction, he ordered Naamah to send a personal, visceral message to Prince Titus,[10] which turned out to be the murder of Titus Cameron-Jones's wife Michelle Cameron-Jones and her unborn child while she was convalescing on Cameron. Michelle was assassinated on 3 May 3077 just hours before she was due to be visited by her husband.[11][12][13]


  1. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 106: "The 49th disguised as Marik Commonwealth troops, destroyed the 2nd Hussars"
  2. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 16: "Timeline of the Jihad" - 22nd May - 2nd Regulan Hussars wiped out with no survivors. The 49th Shadow Division later named responsible
  3. Jihad Hot Spots: 3072, p. 85: "Fallen Idols" - Sophie Amora aka Naamah orders firebombing of Regulus City
  4. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 79: "Regulus" - Blakist fires possibly changed the atmosphere
  5. 5.0 5.1 Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!
  6. BattleCorps: INN Newscast (Solaris Broadcasting Co. section), news item published [01/01/3071]: "Who's That Girl?"
  7. The campaign started on the 28th of June and lasted for five weeks; hence, 02 August
  8. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 50: "Anatomy of a Bloodless Coup": Naamah named as infiltrator and details of Kirc Cameron-Jones growing paranoia
  9. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 106: "49th Shadow Division profile" - Command is handed over to Dantalion
  10. Jihad Hot Spots: 3076, p. 87: The Hanging Threat - "Apollyon orders Naamah to punish Titus for destruction of the Venture"
  11. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 57: "The Jihad in Review"
  12. Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, pp. 70–71: "Titus Cameron-Jones"
  13. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 50: "Anatomy of a Bloodless Coup": Naamah named as infiltrator and details of Kirc Cameron-Jones growing paranoia
