Mitch Thibaudeau

Mitch Thibaudeau
AffiliationClan Steel Viper
RankStar Captain

Mitch Thibaudeau was a MechWarrior and Star Captain of Clan Steel Viper.


Steel Viper Politics After Tukayyid[edit]

During the Trial of Judgement of Dawn, she felt no need to make excuses on her behalf, because she was a Clan warrior. Represented by Star Colonel Ivan Sinclair - who in spite of being a Crusader-minded Steel Viper genuinely argued in her defense against the Inquisitor, Star Colonel James Andrews. Dawn submitted her codex to the council and accepted judgement. Accused of bidding woefully under the strength required to take the objective, claims of an unidentified unit interfering were dismissed, and judgement fell against Dawn. Demanding a Trial of Refusal against the judgment to be carried out immediately, Dawn faced nine-to-one odds that were narrowed down to three-to-one, after bidding among the Bloodnamed warriors had commenced. Dawn's opposition was chosen by the Inquisitor and it was chosen to be James Andrews himself, an Elemental Star Captain Stern Chapman and Mechwarrior Star Captain Mitch Thibaudeau. The duel was fought to the best of Dawn's ability, but she could not defeat Chapman, who was an experienced master of hand-to-hand combat. In the end, Dawn lay bleeding and beaten on the council chamber floor, and was soon banished to the Inner Sphere to serve the rest of her lifetime in exile.[1][2][3]


  1. Era Report: 3062, p. 99: "Dawn Moffat"
  2. Era Report: 3062, p. 63: "Clan Steel Viper"
  3. Star Lord, chs. 3, 5
