Michael Albano

Michael Albano
RankAdept II


Michael Albano was an officer of the 167th Division from the Com Guards during the FedCom Civil War.[1]

During the FedCom Civil War, the Fourth Crucis Lancers saw serious combat on their homeworld of Giausar after Leutnant-General Andrew Giggins declared the Fourth's support for Victor Steiner-Davion. The Loyalist 2nd Donegal Guards, led by Delmar Voss, faced them. The Fourth withdrew into the dense forests of Giausar and conducted hit and run raids. This pinned the 2nd Donegal to the world and prevented them from reinforcing other Loyalist units.[2] Soon the 7th Donegal Guards reinforced the 2nd Donegal, and the pressure on the 4th Lancers increased. The Lancers shifted their focus, attacking the supply depots of the Donegal Guards as well as isolated units. This worked, but reduced the 4th's combat strength.[3] The Com Guard 167th Division left their post and landed on Giausar to reinforce the 4th Crucis Lancers. Unfortunately the 7th Donegal killed most of their command structure before the 167th broke contact and linked up with the 4th Lancers. The 4th took command of the 167th's survivors, this being accepted by Precentor Slurpea Kuzi. Soon after this, the 2nd Donegal lost their headquarters to a 4th Lancers strike.[4]

Giggins' combined forces continue to harass the Loyalist forces until mid-August, when Giggins decided to stand the unit down for a few days, as fatigue and damage were becoming serious problems. Unfortunately for the Allied forces, a Boomerang spotter plane identified both the Lancers' camp at the base of Monte Diablo and the position of the HQ company, and General Daniel Voss-Steiner from the 7th Donegal Guards launched a swift attack against the Allied camp. The attack surprised the Allied forces, and the senior Guards officer leading the attack, Hauptmann Susan Reeves, was able to focus her forces on downing Giggins' Sagittaire before attempting to kill him as he retreated on foot. The Guards' focus on Giggins allowed the Allied forces to launch a savage counterattack, and Demi-Precentor Demetria Loris deliberately put her 'Mech between Reeves' massive Fafnir and Giggins, decapitating the larger 'Mech with a PPC strike and buying time for Giggins to be rescued and evacuated from the battlefield.[5]

He participated in the Battle of Monte Diablo.[1]


He piloted an EXT-5E Exterminator.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Battle of Monte Diablo (World Wide Event)
  2. FedCom Civil War, p. 101
  3. FedCom Civil War, p. 130
  4. FedCom Civil War, p. 145
  5. FedCom Civil War, pp. 145–146: "Giausar"
