Mateo Arrian

Mateo Arrian
AffiliationFederated Suns


In March 2814 the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns launched an offensive to liberate Robinson, where the New Samarkand and the Narukami II-class destroyer DCS Shōwakusei were stationed. Commanding the AFFS naval escort from the bridge of the Congress-D-class frigate FSS Starlight Raider was Admiral Mateo Arrian, a veteran of the Battle of Cholame, and acting as escorts to the Starlight Raider were a pair of Davion II-class destroyers, the FSS Duke Alexander and the FSS Sarah Davion. Admiral Arrian only became aware of the presence of the New Samarkand and Shōwakusei shortly before the attack, but adjusted his plans to compensate for the presence of the two WarShips. At this point, while the New Samarkand was no longer the flagship of the Second Fleet, her crew were one of the most experienced carrier crews left in the DCA.[1]

When Arrian's forces attacked, the Duke Alexander and Sarah Davion engaged the Shōwakusei, while the various fighter groups from the WarShips and accompanying DropShips battled each other. All five WarShips were in fighting trim, but half of the New Samarkand's aerospace fighter complement were guarding key sites on the planet, and were unavailable for the battle. As the Starlight Raider engaged the New Samarkand, DropShips emerged from concealment behind the AFFS WarShips and drove for the New Samarkand. When they were within range, the DropShips disgorged squadrons of Land-Air 'Mechs, which engaged the New Samarkand directly, before transforming into the BattleMech configuration and blasting their way into the inside of the New Samarkand through her flight bays. Once inside the New Samarkand, the 'Mechs caused havoc, inflicting enough damage to cause the carrier to tumble out of control. Only three LAMs managed to escape from the burning hulk of the New Samarkand, but the Starlight Raider took only moderate damage during the attack.[1]

The Shōwakusei was destroyed during the battle, but not before managing to cripple the Sarah Davion.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 First Succession War, p. 94-96, "Robinson and Dahar"
