Mariella Irabu

Mariella Irabu
AffiliationDraconis Combine
ProfessionBattleMech Engineer

Mariella Irabu was the supervising Technician of the Banzai project in 3076.[1]


She was asked to create a new 'Mech based on the Daboku, with the plethora of new technologies available during the Jihad, but she felt too limited by the base chassis, and scrapped everything but the MAL-1K's Endo steel skeleton. She started by selecting a 360 XL engine with MASC and a supercharger that made this assault 'Mech faster than many lighter designs. Knowing that space would be critical, she chose to use standard armor early on. For long-range punch, she scrapped her original plan for paired PPC Capacitor-augmented ER PPCs in each arm, and instead went for captured Clan-made large and Medium Pulse Lasers. She completed a well rounded design.

The design has already been tested successfully in battle by Sho-sa Mikael Murakawa and more units have been requested.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Kurita, p. 7 Banzai - Brief history of Banzai BattleMech.
