Corporation Profile
Founding Yearca. 3016[1]
AffiliationFree Worlds League
Product(s)Recreational Hologram Environments

Man-TLE was a shadowy manufacturer of bootleg and addictive holo-environments.


Founded less than a decade before 3025, the mysterious Man-TLE sprung up as a manufacturer of True Life Experiences, bootleg and low-grade knockoffs of Kensai Holographiks' Recreational Hologram Environments. The company's TLEs differ from Kensai's RHEs for their inclusion of the narcotic substance known as "Can-Do," which when burned when viewing the holo heightens its sensory impacts. This makes TLEs highly addictive, producing notable instances of deep suicidal depression in heavy users deprived viewing them.[1]

Despite the Free Worlds League Parliament declaring the sale of TLEs illegal, drawing both investigations from SAFE and ROM, sales expanded at a rapid pace. The company's production facility or main distribution center was located toward the rimward edge of the League–Lyran Commonwealth border, possibly even in Lyran space, and the primitive production values seemed to rule out a mainstream holo producer such as Kensai. The company's only "spokesman" was a man claiming the name Raoul Duke, a tall imposing figure with a shaved head and dark glasses who made occasional appearances on pirate satellite broadcasts emanating from such League worlds as Stewart, McAffe, and Megrez.[1]

Rumors insisted that Duke was in fact Patrick Rjak, a high-ranking member of the Way of Arme, with the company's efforts both funding the religious cult as well as providing a means of trying to spread the nihilistic decline that made people susceptible to joining the Way.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 130: "Other Major Industries - [Man-TLE]"
