Lynn Woo

Lynn Woo
AffiliationDraconis Combine

Gunsho Lynn Woo was a MechWarrior with the Seventh Sword of Light during the thirty-first century.[1][2][3]


Woo was one of two sisters who both served in the Seventh Sword of Light. She was known as a sharp-shooter, twice decorated before 3025, and was very proud of her gunnery skills. Later in her career, as a reward for decades of valorous service and as a result of the post–Helm Memory Core technological renaissance, her 'Mech was chosen to receive upgrades.

During the Clan Invasion, she fought in the Battle of Luthien in 3052, for once meeting her match in skill. This revelation almost caused her to leave the military, but her superiors considered it her duty to help rebuild the DCMS before she retires. As a trainer, she pushes her charges relentlessly, seeking to form better warriors to help defeat the Clans.[2][3]


Woo was known to pilot a black painted OTL-4D Ostsol BattleMech. Late in Woo's career, this 'Mech was upgraded with better heat sinks, Pulse Lasers and Extended-Range Lasers.[2][3]


  1. Technical Readout: 3025, p. 78
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Technical Readout: 3039, p. 292
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 91
