Josey Myers

Josey Myers
AffiliationScorpion Empire
RankStar Captain

Star Captain Josey Myers was a member of the Fourth Scorpion Cuirassiers as of the Hanseatic Crusade.[1]

Josey Myers would take part in the Escorpión Imperio's conquest of the Hanseatic League, seeing action in the brutal fighting on Kampen. With the fanatical Hanseatic Defense Force's Regional Defense Force 7 succeeding in pushing the Fourth and the other Clusters of Tau Galaxy all the way back to their DropShips, Josey Myers led a rear-guard action to hold back the maniacal Hansa. While every shot of her Warhawk's lasers savaged an RDF 'Mech, a heavy autocannon hit from an untouched Atlas disabled her targeting computer, her lasers inflicting minimal damage in return. With her Starmates falling around her, a desperate Josey lowered her arms and charged into her foe, toppling both 'Mechs. Luckily Josey was able to regain her footing first, unloading her LRMs into the rear armor of the Atlas, shattering its gyro.[1]

Despite piloting a still damaged 'Mechs, Josey Myers would later participate in the combat drop into the city of Utrecht, scoring several more kills despite the loss of her targeting computer.[1]


Josey Myers would pilot a Warhawk during the Hanseatic Crusade.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 20, p. 13: "Warhawk (Masakari)"
