Jonas Cage

Jonas Cage
AffiliationClan Ice Hellion

Jonas Cage was the Loremaster and then saKhan of Clan Ice Hellion During the Wars of Reaving.[1]


He was the head of the Clan's Watch.[2]

Assigned to command Theta Galaxy, during 3068 and 3071 the Galaxy rotated its troops across all of the Clan's holdings in the homeworlds in an attempt to confuse the other Clans as to its true strength and cover the troop movements to the Inner Sphere.[3]

The Homeworld defenses were woefully understrength and slowly one by one they started to fall and the warriors of Theta were slowly lost. There were reinforced by some survivors arriving at Hector in December 3071,[4] but by June 3072 only 53 warriors were left under his command. By December 3072 the Clan forces of Theta Galaxy had concentrated on Hector and had raised a new cluster consisting of solahma and sibko troops.[1] When saKhan Connor Rood was elevated to Khan, Cage was elected to take his place, with his aide Star Colonel Blaine Taney replacing him as Loremaster.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Wars of Reaving, p. 110-111
  2. A Guide to Covert Ops, p. 83
  3. The Wars of Reaving, p. 84
  4. The Wars of Reaving, p. 98
  5. The Wars of Reaving, p. 111
