Jessica LeQue-Winsom

Jessica LeQue-Winsom
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
SpouseMajor Winsom

Jessica LeQue-Winsom was a noble born on Alarion who lived during the twenty-ninth century.[1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

LeQue-Winsom was reputed to have been beautiful, lithe and golden haired.[1]


Born Jessica LeQue on Alarion, to a noble family, Jessica reputed deeply loved her native world. As reported in the book Commonwealth Myths and Legends, a story regarding her grew up following Operation EXODUS, linked to her marriage to an aide of Aleksandr Kerensky called Major Winsom. Supposedly conflicted about if to join her husband on the Exodus fleet, she didn't make to decision to follow him until too late, just missing the last transport which could take her from Alarion to the Star League Defense Force's New Samarkand rendezvous point. Wracked with grief, it was said she wandered out into a forest near the spaceport, and was found dead several weeks later.

Based on this story, a species of tree native to Alarion became known as Jessica Trees, due to its appearance and behavior. The trees, which are tall, slim and crowned with golden leaves, unfurl their fronds at night to collect the moonlight. This was thought to resemble Jessica's hopeless gestures as the night sky took away her husband forever.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 42
