Jerrod Gilmour

Jerrod Gilmour
AffiliationClan Ghost Bear
ProfessionStar Admiral[1]

Jerrod Gilmour was a trueborn warrior of the Gilmour bloodname, naval aide to the Khans, and commander of Ghost Bear naval forces as of 3061.[1]


In 3067, Star Admiral Jerrod Gilmour led the Ghost Bear defense of Alshain and the under-construction Rasalhague Leviathan-class battleship. Commanding from the Lola III-class Blizzard, he reportedly refused the Nova Cats batchall, setting off the disastrous space battle known as the Trial of Retribution.[2] This Second Naval Battle of Alshain cost the Ghost Bears greatly, though they technically were victorious in the Trial as the Nova Cats did not gain possession of the Rasalhague.[3]

The Star Admiral invoked the ritual of surkai to atone for his loss of honor.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Warden Clans, pp. 86
  2. Trial of Retribution Scenario 4.1: "The Second Naval Battle of Alshain"
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p. 81: "The Second Naval Battle of Alshain"