Jared Al-Hazrad

Jared Al-Hazrad
AffiliationFederated Suns

Jared Al-Hazrad was an officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns during the Fourth Succession War.


During the Sarna campaign of Operation RAT in 3029, Jared Al-Hazrad was part of a strike lance with the Davion Light Guards under the command of Leftenant Gerald Drake.[1]

In early December, AFFS reinforcements arrived in-system. As they were about to make planetfall, urgent messages from their allied mercenary forces on-planet revealed how dire the situation was for them, having been pinned down by all four regiments of McCarron's Armored Cavalry.[2] The Davion's hurried orbital 'Mech drop scattered their forces across a wide area and Sgt. Al-Hazrad's lance dropped in the hills near the dense forest of Graves Hallow. There, they encountered an isolated Crater Cobras assault lance engaged with two medium lances from McCarron's Third Regiment, and they moved to reinforce the Cobras.[1]


Jared Al-Hazrad piloted a COM-2D Commando.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 First Strike, p. 29
  2. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 51
