Jameson Nigel

Jameson Nigel
Also known as"The Grump"[1]
AffiliationEridani Light Horse

Major Jameson Nigel was the commander of the 21st Striker Regiment's 7th Striker Battalion ("Nigel's Nightslayers"), and its Battalion Command Lance ("Nigel's Guards"), of the Eridani Light Horse from at least 3025 until 3029.[2][3]


Early Life[edit]

Born to poor parents in Eridani Light Horse's Supply Division, Nigel knows well the unglamorous side of the mercenary life, leaving him as a man who rarely smiles or shows excitement. Only his skill as a MechWarrior, initially discovered by chance at a carnival, has allowed him to rise to his senior position.

As of 3025, his only friend was Major Pierre Bouchard, at that time commanding the 7th Striker Battalion's 27th Company. Bouchard's appointment to Nigel's Battalion caused Nigel to believe Bouchard would be after his job, though Bouchard had done nothing to encourage this paranoia.[1]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

During the Fourth Succession War on 12 January 3029, Major Nigel participated in the Eridani Light Horse's ambush of Warrior House Hiritsu with his unit, on the Federated Suns world of Kawich. During this engagement, Nigel's unit has some success against the 42nd Armored Lightning Regiment’s first BattleMech battalion, whose advance he delayed with hit and run tactics as well as by setting a forest fire.[3]


Nigel was known to pilot a Victor BattleMech.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mercenary's Handbook p. 73
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mercenary's Handbook, p. 78
  3. 3.0 3.1 There's No We in Mercenary
