James Shaw

James Shaw
AffiliationFree Worlds League
ChildrenRichard Shaw[citation needed]

James Shaw was a field journalist working for Irian Media Interstellar (IMI) as of 3067.[1]


Shaw was a reputable journalist for the relatively independent IMI, having been an active investigative journalist for approximately 15 years prior to 3067. His opinion of the ultranationalist Federated Suns holovid news show Rénard Reportage during the War of 3039, that its tag-line, “True reporting, equitable and unbiased” contained only one accurate word ("and"), became a well known quote on the media industry.

In September 3067, he published a syndicated article for IMI masthead Irian News Interstellar on the Free Worlds League world of Shiloh and its dominant religious cult the Exituri, under its strict Blessed Leader Elena Kubayshev.

This article suggested Shaw had been captured and tortured by the Exituri, and that his colleagues at the time of publication including his cameraman Macintosh Jirik, were unsure if he had survived the ordeal or not.[2]


  1. Historical: War of 3039, p. 67 "Shadow Wars - The Media Conflict"
  2. Interstellar Players, pages 70-71
