Jack Traver

Jack Traver
AffiliationRepublic of the Sphere
Clan Wolf
The Cheetahs

Jack Traver was a Republic of the Sphere and Clan Wolf MechWarrior who fought in both the Battle of Terra and IlClan Trial.


Early Years[edit]

Jack Traver was born on Terra, and enlisted in the Republic Armed Forces. There he not only excelled: he reached the rank of Captain and passed the rigorous qualification tests to pilot an Ares OmniMech, and even managed to enter into the Redburn Guards, under the command of former Exarch Damien Redburn.[2]

Battle of Terra[edit]

After Clan Wolf landed in Australia, the Guards were deployed there to face them, and the 10 January 3151, Jack's Ares engaged the Wolves soon after their landing. Along with him were Corporal Tina "Cheetah" Charms, his gunner, and his engineer, Staff Sergeant Mia Fowler. When Jack's commanding officer, Major Simpson, saw his 'Mech damaged, he had to retreat, giving the battalion's command to Jack. Soon after, Jack received the order to retreat, which he obeyed.[3]

Two days later, after constant fights with the Wolves, the Ares, which had already downed at least three Wolf tanks and three 'Mechs, was barely operational, and Mia's efforts to repair it were unable to change that. Unable to move, they had to abandon the 'Mech.[4]

On January 13, Jack met with Damien Redburn during his way to South China. The former Exarch commended him for his good work, and promoted him to major.[5]

On February 9, Jack, Mia and Cheetah had received a new Ares, and were deployed to Iran. The Redburn Guards had been disbanded, so they were part of an unnamed unit, which Traver commanded Plunder Company. They launched an attack against the Wolves, downing at least a Woodsman, ultimately achieving a victory.[6]

On February 14, Jack's unit received word that a Wolf counterattack was led by Star Colonel Kalidessa Kerensky, in Pakistan. His Ares was downed, but all three crewmembers were captured. Kalidessa ordered them to surrender, Jack conceded to become a bondsman to fight the Clan Jade Falcon, to which the Star Colonel agreed.[7]

Days later, Jack and his two crewmembers were in a Clan Wolf warehouse in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. It was filled with Ares salvage. Kalidessa had explained them their responsibilities as bondsman. A Senior technician ordered them to assemble some Ares with the salvage. None of the three wanted to do it, but Jack agreed. When his two mates argued, he explained to them that it was their only chance to do something good: to help stop the Falcons. After that, they began working.[8]

IlClan Trial[edit]

On April 16, Jack and his team had managed to assemble to fully operational Ares, right in time for the IlClan Trial. During the past weeks, Kalidessa had been teaching them about the Wolf culture, but Jack still was not comfortable with it. That day, Kalidessa freed the crew and welcomed them to Clan Wolf. Jack and his crew prepared for the imminent battle.[9]

Two days later, in the last day of the Trial, Jack and his team downed a Falcon' Onager. In the last stages of the trial, they saw Kalidessa in danger against a Falcon's Dire Wolf. With barely any weaponry, they had to ram the Falcon. They succeeded in taking it down, but their Ares was crippled too. Klaidessa thanked them before departing, but when Jack left his 'Mech, uncovered than Cheetah had been killed in the impact.[10]

On April 28, after receiving their BloodRibbons, and assisting to the burial of Aleksandr Kerensky's on Unity City, Jack and Mia talked with Kalidessa, informing her than they will leave Terra and search for work as mercenaries. The Star Colonel regretted their departure, but stated that they always have a place in Clan Wolf.[11]

IlClan Era[edit]

At the dawn of the IlClan Era on 29 May 3151, found Jack and Mia in Paco's, a bar in Toledo, North America, drinking. They hadn't been able to find passage outside Terra. They had just heard about Devlin Stone's death, and the loss of the Republic's founder hit them harder even than Cheetah's, as it signaled the definitive death of the Republic.[1]

Unfortunately, if they did not have enough problems, a group of ex-Republic soldiers in the bar recognized them and deemed them traitors, they fell upon them. Jack and Mia were on the brink of death when two other Wolf warriors, which had heard the RAF soldiers, intervened in the fight and saved them. While they were drinking together, the Wolf warriors helped them to solve their problems: they only had to claim whatever 'Mechs they had downed and ask the Sea Foxes to carry them outside Terra.[1]

On June 1, both claimed two 'Mechs: a Dire Wolf for Jack, and Mia felt herself attracted to a very advanced Atlas II which she claimed. One day later, both received an unexpected visit on their hotel: Sir Justin Hall, a former Knight of the Republic, now hated by everybody for having caused a city's destruction by the Wolves in Australia. He wanted to join them as mercenary, and offered them to help them with his talents, and knew how to find friends.[1]

Justin took them both to a public library in Cleveland, where they meet with his contact, a man named Weatherbee. He was a MI6 agent which gave them a packet with all the intel he had been able to gather in fifteen years. He promised them a great payment if they deliver it to his people outside the planet, and the trio accepted.[1]

During the way, Mia uncovered than her Atlas II had been Devlin Stone's 'Mech. The trio arrived to Galatea, the Mercenary Star, on July 9, but they only found refusals: there was so many ex-RAF soldiers that no mercenary unit wanted to hire the three together. So, three days later, they carried the packet to the Federated Suns' embassy. When they offered it, amongst with all the intel they had, in exchange for the Suns' paying them to create their own mercenary unit. The DMI agent who heard them reluctantly agreed, so they debated the new unit's name, and Jack decided the Cheetahs, in memory of their lost friend.[1]


Traver's only known 'Mech when serving for the Republic and Clan Wolf was a superheavy Ares. However, after the IlClan Trial he replaced it with a former Jade Falcon' Dire Wolf OmniMech.[12][1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 One Door Closes
  2. Hour of the Wolf, p. 45
  3. Hour of the Wolf, p. 46
  4. Hour of the Wolf, p. 52
  5. Hour of the Wolf, p. 55
  6. Hour of the Wolf, p. 102
  7. Hour of the Wolf, pp. 115–116
  8. Hour of the Wolf, p. 138
  9. Hour of the Wolf, p. 232
  10. Hour of the Wolf, p. 316
  11. Hour of the Wolf, p. 357
  12. Hour of the Wolf, p. 45
