Hintre Solomon

Hintre Solomon
AffiliationClan Sea Fox
RankStar Commander

Star Commander Hintre Solomon was a founding member of Clan Sea Fox and the Solomon Bloodname.[1]


Solomon participated in Operation KLONDIKE, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky's campaign to reconquer the Pentagon Worlds.[1] His contribution early in the campaign included leading a squadron tasked by Clan Cloud Cobra saKhan Rafe Kardaan with pacifying the spacefarer enclaves at one of Babylon's jump points, a mission he successfully completed.[2]

Later, on 28 September 2821, Solomon was part of a Trinary under the command of Khan Dianne Sennet which unsuccessfully tried to hunt down the Callandra Witch in the Callandra Desert. During this search, his 'Mech suffered from a malfunctional foot actuator and radio due to damage from the desert sand, which caused the Sea Fox unit to be strung out. This opportunity was exploited by the Witch, who used it to launch a hit and run attack on the Sea Foxes.[3]


Solomon was known to have piloted a Sentinel BattleMech.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 36
  2. Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 42
  3. 3.0 3.1 Land of Dreams, ch. 31
