Hendras Mohandun

Hendras Mohandun
AffiliationTaurian Concordat

Hendras Mohandun was the commanding officer of the Taurian Concordat defenders on Spencer as of 2813.[1]


Comptroller Mohandun was stationed on Spencer when, in retaliation for the Taurian invasion of Herotitus, the Magistracy of Canopus' Kossandra's Volunteers regiment attacked the planet. Once Mohandun learned the Canopians were targeting Spencer's capital of Liberty Point, he evacuated the city and stationed his militiamen throughout the area. The inexperienced Volunteers promptly charged straight into the capital, sprung Mohandun's trap, and lost fifty percent of their troops in an hour of fighting. With their escape route cut off and Mohandun's aerial forces actively bombing them, the Volunteers surrendered to avoid complete destruction.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 First Succession War, p. 102: "Spencer"
