Harcourt's Destructors

Harcourt's Destructors
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent

Harcourt's Destructors is a mercenary unit frequently hired by the Magistracy of Canopus.


This unit has Taurian roots and was formed from smaller commands. They discovered a plot against a high-ranking Taurian official.[1] After this they entered service with the Magistracy of Canopus in 3003, for defense against raids from the CCAF. They specialize in search and destroy operation against pirates. Normally one battalion is tasked with this duty at a time while the rest watch the border.

Starting in 3068 they began to interact with the Shen-sè Tian pirate band on a semi-regular basis. Harcourt's Aliens managed to intercept the pirates on Fronc in mid-3068, but the Shen-sè Tian lured the Aliens into an ambush by other pirate forces including Paula Trevaline's Death's Consorts. The mercenaries were able to withdraw but lost half their force. The Destructors commander swore to hunt down and kill the pirates.[2]

Despite their desires, the Magistracy held them in defensive roles during the early part of the Jihad. In 3069 they simply garrisoned Magistracy systems, but in 3070 they were assigned to defend Fronc. (The Fronc Reaches was unable to raise its own defenders and created an agreement with the Magistracy for protection in exchange for favored nation trade status.) The Taurian Concordat apparently didn't like this and sponsored several pirate bands to raid the Fronc Reaches, including the Shen-sè Tian.[2]

The Destructors lured the pirates into a trap. They allowed the Shen-sè Tian to seize crates from an ammunition warehouse. Unbeknownst to the pirates, the crates were filled with command detonated explosives. After the pirates left the city and reached the Sharzavan Pass, the Aliens commanding officer detonated the explosives in the crates. This destroyed most of the pirate convoy and damaged most of their escorts. At that point Drummond's Destroyers burst out of hidden positions and fought the survivors. After destroying two companies of pirate 'Mechs, the remaining pirates (approximately a company) were able to escape.[2]

Despite the Shen-sè Tian officially only numbering a battalion in size, they apparently raided several other worlds at the same time they attacked Fronc. This mystery was turned over to the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry by Colonel Rahman.[2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of Harcourt's Destructors
Major Thaddeus Hagarson 3025[3]
Colonel Kamal Rahman 3059 - 3067[4]


The lighter battalion leads the enemy in an ambush prepared by the second battalion.


The Destructors' ongoing lack of skilled Techs is a major problem. Some of their equipment is in poor working order. The unit owns enough DropShips to transport the entire command.

Dragoon Ratings[edit]


Dragoon Rating: D

Composition History[edit]


Harcourt's Destructors (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)

Harcourt's Aliens
CO: Major Kathryn Shaw[3]
Drummond's Destroyers 
CO: Major Dunstan Shaft[3]


Harcourt's Destructors (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[5]

Note: At this point in time the command were stationed on Luxen and New Abilene.[5]


Harcourt's Destructors (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[4]

  • CO: Colonel Kamala Rahman[4]


Harcourt's Destructors (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)

  • CO: Colonel Kamal Rahman
  • Harcourt's Alien's CO: Major Hannah DeVries
  • Drummond's Destroyers CO: Major Alesha Lorre
The first Battalion contains heavy 'Mechs with upgrades.
The unit is compromised heavies and assault for brute force.

Forbes' Cavaliers (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)

Mechanized unit with APC support.

Harcourt's Irregulars (1 Battalion/Green/Reliable)

  • CO: Major Joseph Marsipan
They support the 2nd Battalion when ambushes are laid.


  1. The Periphery 1st Edition, p. 98
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Mercenaries Supplemental Update, p. 66
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Periphery 1st Edition, p. 99
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 112
  5. 5.0 5.1 Historical: Brush Wars, p. 87
