Furey (Bloodname)

The Furey Bloodname was a Clan Smoke Jaguar founding name.[1]

Known Bloodname Holders[edit]

Bloodname Founder[edit]




Field Officers[edit]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

Apocryphal Content Ends

Notable Warriors[edit]


  • This legacy is considered a General one, with warriors from its sibkos qualifying for all Clan combat styles.[22]
  • The Bloodname was still exclusive to Clan Smoke Jaguar in 3057.[23]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 36, "Clan Smoke Jaguar"
  2. Luthien, p. 20
  3. Invading Clans, p. 53
  4. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 91, "Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey"
  5. Whispering Death
  6. Twilight of the Clans, p. 39
  7. Technical Readout: Golden Century, p. 10, "Mongoose C - Deployment"
  8. Field Manual: Updates, p. 100, "Clan Nova Cat"
  9. Pilot Cards: Miniature Set Clan Heavy Battle Star
  10. BattleCorps Scenario: Rear Guars, p. 1: "Attacker"
  11. Trial Under Fire, Chapter 3
  12. Grave Covenant, p. 290
  13. Invading Clans, p. 72
  14. Invading Clans, p. 67
  15. Jaguar's Leap, Ch. 1
  16. Invading Clans, p. 71
  17. The Dragon Roars, pp. 38-40, "Kamikaze"
  18. The Dragon Roars, p. 50-51
  19. Thus It Shall Stand
  20. MechCommander: Desperate Measures
  21. Twilight of the Clans, p. 24-5
  22. Invading Clans, p. 48
  23. Invading Clans, p. 48
