Edufriga Hollenstern

Edufriga Hollenstern
AffiliationDraconis Combine
Position(s)Director of Moore

Edufriga Hollenstern was a by 3076 the newly elected Director of Moore.[1]


After Doctor Layton Amrhein and his team completed the first stages of an ongoing study into how the "Day of Fire" on Moore affected the biosphere of the area, and taking into reference a 2997 survey they estimated 68% decrease for a five years period, and found out that in reality it was even worse with 79% of flora species and 72% of fauna decrease, she pledged to make ecosystem recovery her administration's top priority in the coming years.[1]


In 3076 the planet was part of the Word of Blake Protectorate, it cannot be confirmed if she was a believer or just somebody that had to endure those years.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 BattleCorps: INN Newscast (General INN articles), news item published [30/03/3076]: "Biologists: Day of Fire continues to affect wildlife"
