Davina Krevella

Davina Krevella
AffiliationCapellan Confederation

Davina Krevella was a senior officer in Kerr's Intruders during the Fourth Succession War.[1]


Major Krevella was tasked with destroying a Federated Suns supply depot on the world of Basalt during the Capellan Confederation's January 3029 counterattack against the Suns' supply lines. Leading a company each from Kerr's Intruders, McCrimmon's Light Cavalry, and MacGregor's Armored Scouts, Krevella hoped to use her infantry and hovercraft assets as a distraction for the advance of her BattleMech forces. Excepting to face only a regiment of garrison troops, Krevella's plan ran into immediate trouble when her diversionary attack ran headfirst into elements of the Fourth Davion Guards RCT and was badly beaten. When Krevella's 'Mech forces ran into a Fourth Guards patrol, the rest of the alerted Guards destroyed half of her machines before they could reach the Davion supply depot.[1]

When the commander of the Fourth Guards force offered Krevella the opportunity to surrender, she refused on the grounds that to do so without even partially completing her mission would be a violation of her personal honor. The Guards' commander responded by offering Krevella a clear shot against the closest supply warehouse and, after loosing a salvo of missiles against the structure, she realized the entire supply base was empty – a trap meant to destroy her unit. Following this, Krevella and her remaining soldiers surrendered.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 94: "Operation Ambush - Basalt"
