Dasha Trubetskaya

Dasha Trubetskaya

Dasha Trubetskaya was a noted actress born on Tikonov.


A supporter of Devlin Stone and his movement for the creation of the Republic of the Sphere, Dasha was one of the noted speakers due to talk at a rally on Tikonov in September 3079 in support of the Republic when the rally was disrupted by the detonation of more than a dozen car bombs. Of the estimated six thousand people attending the rally in the Vyacheslav Kozar Square in Tikograd, the capital city of Tikonov, almost two hundred were killed in the bombing or later succumbed to their injuries, although Dasha escaped unharmed. Also due to speak at the rally was Melissa Allard-Liao.[1]


  1. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 13, "Violence At Stone Rally"
