Danny Spriggs

Danny Spriggs
ParentsJohn Marshall Spriggs (father)

Danny Spriggs was an Andurien tank commander and officer.


Danny was the son of Colonel John Marshall Spriggs. Following in his footsteps, Danny enlisted in the Andurien Defenders. Like his father, he was an idealist and strong believer in the cause of Andurien's independence. He lost his father due to cancer before the Andurien Secession in 3030.[1]

Danny fought in the invasion of Capellan Confederation space, and later, in the defense Andurien against the Marik invaders. In late May of 3037, he was stationed on Xanthe III. The Marik invasion quickly overwhelmed the Andurien Defenders, forcing them to retreat offworld, abandoning many of their supplies. Attempting to delay the pursuit, they left a rearguard in the city of New Barstow, with Danny's battalion among the unlucky units.[2][3]

The loss of superior, Major Mitchell, resulted in Lieutenant Danny Spriggs being brevetted major at only twenty-six and given command of the defense.[4]

His unit, comprising only infantry and armor, was defending the front line, a canal through the city. The Marik attackers broadcast a message for weeks, stating "every twelve seconds an Andurien defender dies in New Barstow", implying that they must surrender before it is their turn. Danny, despite knowing that his defense was a doomed one, and morale was weakening day to day, refused.

During an attack by the Fifth Marik Militia, Danny led a counterattack with two Von Luckner tanks, attempting to delay the inevitable Marik victory. They managed to destroy two Marik Galleon tanks, but then came under attack by two Marik BattleMechs, a Vindicator and a Rifleman. The other Von Luckner exploded after a hard fight and the 'Mechs turned to Danny's tank.[5]

Death and Legacy[edit]

Danny's tank was crippled and on fire, with half its crew killed. Danny attempted to evacuate the tank with the only other survivor, but he fell, implying that he died when his tank exploded.[6]

However, Danny's sacrifice was a success – the last stand of New Barstow, although bloody, won both defending units time to depart, leaving Xanthe III in Marik hands. In the end, their sacrifice was in vain, as Andurien fell at the end of the next year, and the Duchy was forcibly returned to the League.[7]


In New Barstow, Danny commanded a Von Luckner tank, the Lucy B.[3]


Danny was initially enthusiastic and ready to carry the torch of the cause of Andurien independence. After two years of fighting, he'd gained maturity and lost most of his enthusiasm. Like his father before him, he appreciated his soldiers and wanted to protect them above all else. Danny was clearly very close to his father and thought much of him.


It is unknown whether Danny served in the Third Defenders of Andurien or the Fifth Defenders of Andurien.


  1. Every Twelve Seconds in First Strike, p. 43
  2. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 76
  3. 3.0 3.1 Every Twelve Seconds in First Strike, p. 45
  4. Every Twelve Seconds in First Strike, p. 42
  5. Every Twelve Seconds in First Strike, p. 51
  6. Every Twelve Seconds, p. 52
  7. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 82
