Crusader's War

Crusader's War
Product information
Type Scenario Pack
Pages 1
Publication information
Publisher WizKids
First published July 2007
Era Dark Age era
Series MWDA Scenarios
Preceded by Gentle Into That Good Night, Knight
Followed by Militia In Training

Crusader's War is an official scenario pack for the MechWarrior: Dark Age (MWDA) Clix game, containing a single scenario. It was first published through the now defunct website that WizKids maintained in support of their MechWarrior: Dark Age game line, to support organized play and tournaments.


In the throes of their own civil war, Clan Jade Falcon finds itself under attack from Clan Hell's Horses, who are determined to teach them that they truly know nothing of the crusader philosophy their leader, Malvina Hazen, pushes them to embrace.

Featured characters[edit]
