Christina Buhallin

Christina Buhallin
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
RankGalaxy Commander

Galaxy Commander Christina Buhallin was the commander of Vau Galaxy, and Bloodnamed warrior of the Buhallin Bloodhouse from at least 3145 to 3151.[1][2]



Buhallin led Vau Galaxy from the Edasich based Seventh Falcon Hussars as of 3145.[1]

Battle of Terra[edit]

Buhallin remained in command of this Galaxy during the Battle of Terra in 3151, participating in Clan Jade Falcon's European campaign. On day T+26 of the Battle, Buhallin and Vau were sent to take Redoubt Normandy, which was defended by the Northwind Highlanders. Initially attempting a Mongol Doctrine blitzkrieg, Buhallin's assault quickly devolved into a stalemate, leading to an acknowledgement by day T+28 by Buhallin she would not be able to succeed without reinforcements, which would have to await further Falcon arrivals from off-world.[2]

On day T+36 of the Battle, Buhallin finally received these reinforcements, with Khan Malvina Hazen assigning Lawrence Roshak and Zeta Galaxy to assist with taking Redoubt Normandy. Due to a disagreement between Galaxy Commander's Buhallin and Roshak about how to approach this task, the two commanders decided to attack the fortifications from different sides, with Zeta moving on the Normandy side and Vau taking the Paris side. During the continuing siege, after a sally by the Highlanders managed to destroy Vau Galaxy's artillery ammunition stores, Roshak refused a request from Buhallin to share Zeta's remaining stocks. A Trial of Possession ensured, which Buhallin quickly won in hand-to-hand combat, though she was unable to benefit as the Highlander also destroyed her artillery launchers in another behind the lines strike. Despite these setbacks, Roshak and Zeta continued to grind through the defenses of the Republic of the Sphere's Redoubt, having broken through the first three layers by day T+51.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 168
  2. 2.0 2.1 ilClan, p. 37
  3. ilClan, p. 44
