Caselton Consolidated Construction Professionals

Caselton Consolidated Construction Professionals
Corporation Profile

Caselton Consolidated Construction Professionals is, as of 3126, a Caselton-based construction company.[1]


In 3126, Caselton Consolidated's construction workers went on strike, barricading themselves and their IndustrialMechs in place on the site of Battlement's then-new opera house. Secretly, the strikers had the backing of Legate Dumaka Odoh, who saw the chance to create a threat to justify a security budget increase. Eventual bloody and destructive clashes between the strikers, armed with equipment provided by Odoh, and the planetary militia led to the resignation of Governor Lafontaine Avendout and the arrest of Legate Odoh. All 28 strikers died in the fighting.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 38, "StrongArm ConstructionMech MOD"
